Website redesign

For a website redesign (or realign) to be effective, it must stem from the understanding of what does and what doesn’t work on the current website, and how user needs have changed since the last redesign. In most cases, it is sufficient to make minor changes in the user interface.
You might probably need to consider website resigned if…

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WordPress courses online

Converting the static HTML website into a dynamic WordPress platform

The popular content management system as WordPress is easy to learn and supports full customization. That means that just about anyone can learn to use WordPress. We created a list of WP courses to help you learn to Build Wordpress Websites and Blogs from Scratch.

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Yoast SEO Plugin set up and features.

Yoast SEO Plugin

There’s one thing you may have been doing correctly from the start: blogging. Blogging is great, but blogging with properly set up SEO plugin can bring more truffic to your website.
So probably you heard that WordPress SEO by Yoast is a best free SEO plugin for WordPress. Most of our clients come to us with the Yoast SEO plugins installed and now all is left to do is to set it up properly.

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