A keyword is any word or short phrase that describes a website topic or page. The more a keywords is used by searchers and websites, the more attraction power it has.
To choose the right keywords, ask yourself:
What phrases do I want to rank on? What do I want potential visitors to type in a search engine to find me? Who is my target audience? Who are my competitors and what sets my business apart from them?
Once you’ve established a set of keywords, you should provide relevant content for every page or blog post of your website.
When you write content, ask yourself:
Is the keyword relevant to my website’s content? Will searchers find what they are looking for on my site when they search using these keywords?
Follow these steps for better SEO practices:
Use keywords in your blog post title.
Try to put your keywords in the blog post title. It will not only show the users what your content is about, but it will also inform the search engines that it is relevant to the search query you want your website to be ranked for. As a result, your website will be easier to find. Remember to use unique title tags each time fresh content is created.
Use headings.
Headings structure the entire page, so you should use headings. They’re important for readability, but for SEO as well. Headings help Google to grasp the main topics of a long post and therefore can help in your ranking. When you use heading tags correctly, you are providing Google and your audience with a clear outline of your web pages that will be easy to understand and will show up in more search results. Make sure you use your keywords in some subheadings.
- Google suggests to write natural articles. As for the content itself, there’s no pattern on how often the keywords should be used on the page. The best on-page optimization is more about where you use your keywords, not how often you use them. Keywords in your content should be topic oriented. Try to focus on specific keywords throughout the text.
Optimize the length of your article.
Make sure your articles have a minimum of 300 words. Google gives priority to longer articles. Keywords should make up 1-2% of the text. So, in a 500-word article, you should include 5-10 keywords. So try to stop at around 700 words. Try to put your keywords in about 1 to 2 percent of your text. So in an article of 300 words, you should mention your search terms 3 to 6 times.
Link to previous content.
If you already wrote some content about the topic of your current post, don’t forget to link to these posts. It will make your post stronger because you show some authority on the subject. Next to that, your link structure is important for your ranking in Google as well. And of course, your reader might be interested in these related posts too. Simply linking to all your blog posts in every new blog post you make is not going to do much for your traffic and will turn away your readers (not a good strategy!), however a few well placed internal linking patterns can be very helpful over the long term.
If you try to optimize your content for keywords every time you write a post or create a new website page , your website will start to have better SEO performance and higher positions in search engine rankings.
Proper use of keywords in your content will bring your business an ideal position in Google ranking.

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